Mosterd na die maal? Belydenisaflegging ná toelating tot die Nagmaal – ’n prinsipiële besinning


  • D Van Nieker



confessing faith, Lord’s Supper


Confession of faith after admission to the Lord’s Supper – a principal reflection
The confession of faith by young members of the church at the end of their formal catechetical instruction has long been the custom in our church. The sense and meaning of this confession should, however, be reconsidered in the light of the admission of younger baptised members to the Lord’s Supper before their confession. In this article the confession of faith is interpreted anew by returning to the established reformed grounding of catechetical instruction. The focus falls not on the outcome of it – namely confession of faith – but on the steadfast promises of God granted in infant baptism. The way that the Lord’s Supper can serve as a preparation and strengthening of faith is likewise investigated, along with the intrinsic character of confessing faith.


